Purpose Expedition

A MARE Meet & Greet

Saturday, May 4  10am-4pm  
Wenham, MA

MARE and Compass Path invite teenagers in need of permanent family connections and prospective adoptive families to join us on May 4 for a day of adventure and connection. This unique event will help teens discover more about themselves and meet families looking to adopt. Together, we'll explore our passions and strengths, and then put them into practice with team-building challenges and a high-ropes course.

What’s a Purpose Expedition?

On May 4, teenagers and waiting families will spend a day exploring their personal values and how they live those out in day to day encounters. The lessons learned and connections made in just a few hours can lead to a lifetime of growth and transformation!

The day-long event includes:

  1. Team building and reflective exercises indoors.

  2. Problem solving activities on a low-ropes course.

  3. Individual and team high ropes elements.


What’s the goal of this event?

Compass and MARE are together hosting this event with the following goals:

  1. Lasting Connections: To provide the opportunity for prospective adoptive families and teens in need of adoptive homes to form lasting connections.

  2. Empowering Experience: To provide all attendees, both families and teenagers, with an empowering experience that helps them discover and align with their sense of purpose and life mission.

  3. Welcoming and Inclusive Space: To create a secure and inclusive environment where prospective adoptive families can interact with teenagers in need of permanent family connections, fostering a sense of trust and ease for all participants.

  4. Positive Memories: To ensure that the day is filled with joy and positivity, fostering hope for all attendees, with the ultimate goal of facilitating deep connections.

Is food included?

Yes, we’ll be providing a picnic lunch and snacks for the day.

What do participants need to wear?

Youth attending the event should wear sneakers or similar shoes (no sandals) and be dressed in layers, ready for moderate levels of activity.

What if a participant is scared of heights or has some aversion to outdoor experiences?

Everything is optional, and most activities don't require going high up or climbing. The day begins with several indoor activities. People of all experience levels have taken part and had a great time.

Is there a religious component to this event?

No. Compass is a faith-based organization but often partners with DCF and other foster care agencies. There won’t be any faith-based components to this event.

Where is this happening?

This event begins in the Ken Olson Center which is located on the Gordon College campus. After the first portion, everyone will walk to a high ropes course located approximately .75 miles into the woods. Information on free parking will follow.


More questions?

Contact Bryn Clark, Compass’ Executive Director: bryn.clark@compasspath.org

Please complete this form for every teenager you have attending the event. Please note any food allergies or pertinent medical conditions. Then add info@compasspath.org to your address book so that you receive other pertinent items prior to the event.

The Purpose Expedition wouldn't happen without the partnership from the following sponsors:

Compass empowers people of any background to pursue their purpose through community and exploration. An experience with Compass cultivates purpose-minded individuals who foster belonging, justice, and hope, locally and globally.